Title: Lestok Tours – Rio Tinto Mine tour
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Date of Broadcast: 3rd February 19
Ever wanted to see inside a working mine? Trevor takes a tour inside the Rio Tinto mine in Tom Price to see how it all works.
- Lestok tours have been leading these tours now for 29 years and the Tour starts in the heart of Tom Price at the Tom Price Visitors Centre.
- Expert commentaries are given on board the tours from people who work at the mine and knows the inside of the mine better than most.
- The site has over 15 different pits with about half a dozen being active.
- From one end to the other, the post is approximately 1.7km long.
- The whole Pilbara basically consists of Iron ore, from its creation over 3 billion years ago when it was a continent itself and the middle of the Pilbara was a vast inland sea, with a lot of iron in the air from volcanic activity that settled into the bottom of the sea. Approximately 2.5 billion years ago horizontal compression from when the continents collided, forced the sea floor up to become dry land.
- Rio Tinto is committed to the progressive rehabilitation and closure of Tom Price in accordance with Environmental approvals.
- The tour runs for approximately 1.5hrs and operates 7 days a week and is a brilliant insight into the mining Industry in the Pilbara.
Ph: (08) 9189 2032