Episode: 5
Title: Introducing Whiteman Park
Broadcast: 4th March 2018
Presenter: Chrissy Morrissy
Chrissy checks out Whiteman Park, which has won the best Major Tourism Award for the last two years.
- Whiteman Park is 9 times larger than Kings Park and is one of the largest city parks in the world.
- The park is open 365 days of the year- which is lucky- because there are a lot of different options here; nature walks, relaxing, splashing in the water playground and the chance to get in touch with the states village.
- Other man made treasures can be found in the childrens forrest.
- There are a variety of ways to explore the 400 hectares of park. There are shared used paths throughout, you could take a hike on one of the three bushwalk trails. The easy options are to use one of the restored trains or trams.
- Steven Lowe is the manager of the park and informs Chrissy of the history of the park.
- The park started modestly in the day by Lew Whiteman. Back then, the land was owned by multiple people to farm and have animals. Lew developed Mussel Pool for a place for his family to swim, as in the day, the beach was too far to travel! In the 1970s the Government purchased most of the land in the region.
W: www.whitemanpark.com.au
P: (08) 9249 3510