Episode: 13
Broadcast: 7th June
Presenter: Caty Price
Caty continues her journey along the Coral Coast, taking a boat tour at Yardie Creek.
- Yardie Creek Boat Tours is a local business based in Exmouth that offers excitement and knowledge about Yardie Creek, its local flora, fauna and history.
- The boat tours work closely with the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) in Exmouth, providing wildlife data reports from Yardie Creek on a routine basis, assisting the ongoing research, monitoring and management of the area.
- The boat tours are committed to following core principles of Ecotourism, supporting the philosophy of low impact nature based tourism.
Contact: Yardie Creek Boat Tours – 9949 2920
Home: http://www.yardiecreekboattours.com.au/
Beach Service: http://www.yardiecreekboattours.com.au/beach-service/
Department of Parks and Wildlife http://parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/site/yardie-creek