Title: Wildflowers at Dalwallinu
Date: September 8th
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
The wildflower displays around the town of Dalwallinu are a testament to how tough our local flora can be.
- Only 2 and a half hours northeast of Perth, the town of Dalwallinu is an easy day trip.
- The area around the town is blanketed by a gorgeous display of wildflowers, including one of the best displays of terrestrial orchids in WA. It is important to watch your step – the ground is absolutely covered in flora
- It is illegal to pick wildflowers in WA, so make sure to keep a camera handy to document your trip
- The colour of the flowers is an incredible contrast to the terrain of the area, and shows just how tough the WA flora can be. There are a number of discovery trails around the town, giving you easy access to the spectacular sights